About Longmire Headquarters


The Culture of Longmire Headquarters was founded upon a clothing company that started as "Longmire Clothing Company". The principles involved filling a void in the outdoor clothing industry — The aim was to modernize the styling process by simplifying it. Cheap materials, short-lived clothing, and outdated style is typically what you'll find in the outdoor clothing sector. It's time we modernize the "classic man"! 

The idea behind our name change was to be all encompassing of our cabin build called "The Longmire Ranch". We will not be deprioritizing our push towards modernizing outdoor apparel, but rather pivoting its focus towards supporting the culture of our cabin build. 

We believe in the healing power of nature and being outdoors - these things are critical for a healthy headspace. Our long-term mission is to create a group of people that seek new experiences, works, plays, and breathes the outdoors.  — AKA The Herd